***TASHI*** Sunflower The Earth hour event around the globe and we were invited to be one of the sponsors of this show organized by AIM Agency to raise awareness about this! For that reason we made 2 special items thinking about our beautiful planet Earth They are available at maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Magical%20Rainbow%206/190/... Find us at...

***Dot-be***Caprice Outflit https://www.facebook.com/DotBeFashion?fref=ts https://www.flickr.com/groups/2252948@N20/ ***POSESION*** Tiny Set Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1932516@N25/ Marketplace Store: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/132752 ...
MISS SL ♛ Venezuela 2015
2nd Challenge "Mythical Goddess"
Miss Venezuela was inspired by Maria Lionza.
According to legend, Maria Lionza was a Nívar maiden, big black hair, the favorite daugter of a powerful cacique of Nirgua.
The Shaman of the village predicted that when the child of strange eyes like the color of the water was born, had to be offer in sacrifice to the Lord of Water, the Great Anaconda because otherwise perpetuates ruin come upon them and will mean the extinction of the Nívar tribu but her father was unable to do it and he hid the girl in a mountain cave with 22 warriors who watched and prevented her scape.
She was forbidden to look at herself in the mirrors of water but one day a mysterious force put the guards in deep sleep and left the beautiful girl alone which allow her to scape from the cave and she walked to the lake, discovering her own reflection in the water. awakening the lord of the water the great Anaconda who emerged from the bottom of the lake, falling in love with her and pulling her towards him
In Lake Maria Lionza and the powerful serpent celebrated a spiritual and mystical communion. When her father discovered the union, try to separate them. which make the Anaconda to grow in size to the point that exploded causing a great flood that destroyed the village and its people.
Since that day Maria Lionza became the protective goddess and mother of the nature and wildlife and became queen of love. She has also has been named Cultural Heritage of Venezuela.
Miss Venezuela se inspiro en Maria Lionza
Según la leyenda, Maria Lionza, fue una doncella Nívar, de grandes cabellos negros, hija encantada de un poderoso cacique de Nirgua.
El Chamán de la aldea había predicho que cuando naciera una niña de ojos extraños, ojos color agua, había que sacrificarla y ofrendarla al Dueño de Agua, al Gran Anaconda por que si no vendría la ruina perpetúa y la extinción de los Nívar. Pero su padre fue incapaz de hacerlo. Y escondió a la niña en una cueva de la montaña, con 22 guerreros que la vigilaban e impedían su salida.
Ella tenía prohibido verse en los espejos de agua. Pero un día una fuerza misteriosa adormeció a los guardianes y la bella joven salio de la cueva y camino hasta el lago, descubriendo su propio reflejo en el agua. Así despertó al Dueño de Agua al Gran Anaconda, quien emergió de las profundidades, enamorándose de ella y atrayéndola hacia si. En el lago Maria Lionza y la poderosa serpiente celebraron una comunión espiritual y mística. Cuando su padre descubrió la unión, intento separarlos. Entonces la Anaconda creció se hizo enorme y estallo provocando una gran inundación que arrasó con la aldea y su gente.
Desde ese día Maria Lionza se volvió la Diosa protectora y madre de la naturaleza, animales silvestres y reina del amor. Ademas es nombrado Patrimonio Cultural de Venezuela.
Dress :
.-Zenith Red Tribal Beaded Dress
.- Sarcastic Papegei Parrot
.- Zooby`s Pet Store Dark Brown Snake
.- Hannah Kozlowski Tigre
.- Cetro creacion Angelus (marienart.denver)
.- Monthly Splash Shop Water Particles
.- Flying Butterfly Pack of 6
.-Chop Zuey - Reve d`sEspoir Earrings, Bracelet and Cabachonne Fascinator. FFL
.-[LeLutka] Pocahontas Hair Black
.-BooN gathered mid Hair Base Black
Make up:
.-SG Machu Picchu Tattoo Layers.FFL
.- Nailed It Blooming Spring Set.FFL
Photographe: Roudoudou Hirons


***AMARELO MANGA*** AMANDA Collection Paris - Set 01 https://www.flickr.com/photos/luanabarzane/ https://www.facebook.com/luanabotechia?fref=nf&pnref=story *PosESioN* YERMA Set at Fashion for LIfe Hello!! We have created 3 new sets of female poses for Fashion For Life. 100% of the proceeds will be going to Relay for Life. Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/FFL%20Berlin/57/49/24 Photographer: Roudoudou Hirons https://www.flickr.com/photos/roudoudouhirons/ ...

EMILY Hair - Rigged Mesh This hairstyle is available in 96 colors, root & OMBRE colors, and can be changed via HUD ... also Diversity pack is available. BLOG: http://envogue-hairstyle-studio.blogspot.com/…/03/emily.html Take Limo : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Auro/142/200/23 ***NYA`S*** Emilia Gown This month at The Instruments the theme is Harrods. So here i come with an elegant...

***WICCA`S WARDROBE*** Violetta Top, Yves Pants and Lydia Shoes http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New/9/165/22 ***VESTIGE POSES*** PROJECT RUNAWAY Walk 1 and 2 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Little%20Rascals/218/137/24 <<March 6th - March 29th>> time to shine and bright in a perfect Avenue with the theme: HARRODS 28 great designers made fantastic designs for this romantic round ♥ The Instruments that inspire us! ...


***K E L I N I***Sensuality Leather dress Black Coming Soon Special for The Biker's Choice Fair ( March 10 .2015) https://www.flickr.com/groups/2590019@N21/ ***POSESION*** PARIS Set and MORTICIA Set Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/132752 Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1932516@N25/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Posesion/443288992440390 Photographer: Roudoudou Hirons ...

***GIULIADESIGN*** ALICE Red https://www.facebook.com/pages/Giuliadesign/428272047210660?fref=ts https://www.flickr.com/groups/2598449@N22/ ***ENVOGUE*** MARILYN Hair - rigged Mesh Hairbase is included in this hairstyle and is available in 80 colors & root colors, and can be changed by HUD, also ribbon texture and tint can be changed via HUD. BLOG: http://envogue-hairstyle-studio.blogspot.com/…/10/marilyn.h… Take Limo : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Auro/142/200/23 ***POSESION*** PERSA Set Taxi to Mainstore:...

Why do I Relay for Life? Faith, strength and hope to raise de phoenix because every day is a new opportunity to live..... Miss Venezuela was inspired by The Phoenix, which is considered as symbol of physical and spiritual rebirth.the power of fire, purification, and immortality that inspires us to start over despite...

***PRISM DESIGNS*** Cristal by Journey Hud with four Colors https://www.facebook.com/pages/Prism-Designs-SL/315650558501192?fref=ts ***POSESION*** PRIMAVERAL Set !!News!! Hello! We have several news for you: For the new round of "The Instruments" we have created a new set of female poses called "Primaveral" Taxi to "The Instruments": http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Okinawa/209/102/31 Taxi to Mainstore: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lima/204/137/2201 Photographer: Roudoudou Hirons https://www.flickr.com/photos/roudoudouhirons/ ...
***FINESMITH*** Galadriel Jewelry Set and Avenue Dress Mesh https://www.flickr.com/groups/finesmithjewelry/ https://www.facebook.com/yula.finesmith?fref=ts Models: Alexandra de la Fuente and Layka ...

***COLORS WORLD STORE*** Eternity Mesh Chest Spiked, Mesh Dress, Mesh Wrap Heels Hud Changer https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/COLORS-WORLD-S…/6965576 http://colorsworldstore.blogspot.com.es/2015/…/eternity.html https://www.flickr.com/photos/91905869@N05/16172961553/ ***POSESION*** Terra Set For the new round of EVENT @ 1ST we have created a new set of female poses called "Terra". Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sun%20Dream/161/112/23 Photographer : Roudoudou Hirons https://www.flickr.com/photos/roudoudouhirons/ ...


Inspired by TOM FORD Women's collection Spring / Summer 2015 STYLING CARD: Dress: .- PP (Pure Poison)- Paulette Dress Sandals: .- Pure Poison - Beatrix Sandals - Black & Silver Jewelry: .- h.m.a.e.m. - rapsody ring .- [Modern.Couture] Jewelry - Marina Bracelet Black .- [Modern.Couture] Jewelry - Marion Necklace Black Hair: .- [LeLutka]-SEIKO...
Hat Collection Coming Soon
Little preview of the First Hat " Elegance "
Available now in 6 Colors
Photography: Roudoudou Hirons

***FINESMITH*** LANA Jumpsuit https://www.flickr.com/groups/finesmithjewelry/ ***POSESION*** HOLLIWOOD Set At kustom9 March New set of female poses for only 199L each set Taxi to kustom9: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mingle/114/10/27 PHOTOGRAPHY : ROUDOUDOU HIRONS https://www.flickr.com/photos/roudoudouhirons/ ...